Legacies (2018 -- )
Season 01
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Mysterious, Scary | TV Series (2018– )
IMDb:- 8.2/10
IMDb:- 8.2/10
Heritage is a fantasy and adventure series created by Julie Eckel. The legendary hero tracks Hoop Michelson's story to Salvatore's school for his talent. This school is in fact a safe haven for supernatural people who can control their supernatural skills and abilities ...
Legacies is the third show in the Vampire Diaries universe, as it takes a character from The Originals, Hope Mikaelson, and places her back in Mystic Falls, the town Stefan and Damon Salvatore called home on The Vampire Diaries. And with Alaric Saltzman serving as headmaster of the Salvatore School, which Hope attends, there are some obvious crossovers for Vampire fans. But aside from the obviously familiar surroundings — this is Mystic Falls, after all .
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